Thank you for showing an interest in “sprucing up” Angels Support Centre.

When we opened the support centre in April 2022 we had no idea what we were doing and what a support centre for the homeless would need, however after operating for a year and a half we can confidently say we have learnt a lot and know what is used daily by many and appreciated by all.

We run Angels Support Centre with no funding, Angels Community Group fund the rent, electricity staffing cost, insurance, water, food, maintenance the list goes on. To protect the longevity of Angels Support Centre we are reaching out to our community for support. Below is a registry of sorts for the Support Centre, for updated goods that we need to replace due to damage due to being second hand when we started using them, general wear and tear, higher demand and to create a safe, warm, calming and caring environment.

There are products listed at various price points depending on peoples budget and desire to assist. Once a purchase is made via our website, you will receive a donation receipt and your job is done. We will download your ‘donation order’ and purchase the goods needed with your monetary donation. Then of course put it to good use in the support centre.

We are documenting all of this via our social media, taking you along with when we receive donation orders, take you shopping with us and sprucing up the support centre.

If you have any inquires on this process please feel free to email us at