Emergency Food Hampers.

 We provide emergency food hampers to anyone in need in our community. No need for proof of income or invasive questions, we are here to help you.

What is an emergency hamper?

A bag or box of food and essential hygiene products made up to suit the needs of the client to the best of our ability.

What is in an emergency hamper?

Two hampers are never the same. They are made up to suit each individual and family to the best of our ability. On average we try to give bread, cereal, noodles or cup a soup, pasta or rice, milk, tea, sugar, fare share meal (frozen casserole meal) toilet paper and lunch box snacks. This changes so much though depending on the cooking facilities the client has access to and also what food we have access to depending on donations.

How much does an emergency hamper cost for the client?

Zero. Our emergency hampers are completely free.

Where does the money come from for the hampers then?

100% from our community. The emergency hampers rely solely on donations from our local community. We receive no government funding for this charity work.

How much does it cost to provide one emergency hamper?

Depending on the size of the family between $14-$25

How can I get an emergency hamper?

It’s super quick and easy, check this page out, it has all the information you need. If you live in Rosedale, Gin Gin or Childers check this page out.

How can I donate to this program?

There are a few different ways, we have a page that explains them all in detail so you can pick the one that suits you the best. Check it out here.

Angel's Emergency Hampers


The angels who donate to our hampers.

Stroud Homes Bundaberg have committed to donating $1000 every month in 2021.

Stroud Homes Bundaberg have committed to donating $1000 every month in 2021.

Tj’s Bakery donate their left over bread, pies and sweets multiple days a week.

Tj’s Bakery donate their left over bread, pies and sweets multiple days a week.

Second Bite are an organisation that connects local charities with Coles. Through them we collect bread for the emergency hampers three days a week.

Second Bite are an organisation that connects local charities with Coles. Through them we collect bread for the emergency hampers three days a week.

Alowishus Delicious donate their left over sandwiches and rolls 6 days a week.

Alowishus Delicious donate their left over sandwiches and rolls 6 days a week.

Oz Harvest is an organisation that connects local charities with Woolworths. Through them we collect bread for the emergency hampers weekly.

Oz Harvest is an organisation that connects local charities with Woolworths. Through them we collect bread for the emergency hampers weekly.

We are members of Foodbank, which means we are able to purchase low cost groceries for our emergency hampers, this helps us stretch our donations budget further.

We are members of Foodbank, which means we are able to purchase low cost groceries for our emergency hampers, this helps us stretch our donations budget further.